Christine from Abu Dhabi would like Bernie and Lexi to answer her question:

What is Switzerland's national animal?

Bernie and a St. Bernhard

Bernie: "Hello Christine! You have posed exactly the right question 😉. Switzerland's national animal is of course the St. Bernhard dog. We St. Bernhards are namely not only extremely big and strong, but also very loyal and loving animals. You can go to the end of the earth with us. You can ask Lexi!

Did you know that in the past St. Bernhards were used to dig out people who had got lost in the mountains? Because we have such good noses and can even find our way in poor weather conditions, we have saved a lot of people."

Lexi: "Ah Bernie! That's right: St. Bernhards are super cool - however that doesn't make them the national animal of Switzerland by a long way!"

Bernie: "Well, which animal is it then?"

Lexi: "Up until now Switzerland hasn't actually laid down a national animal. Which is no wonder: It is a very difficult decision to make - when one considers all the fantastic animals we have here!"

Bernie: "Oh yes, you are right. Just think about the smart little groundhogs! They are really clever. And they look ever so cute with their furry coats and cheeky beady eyes!"

Lexi and a wild goatLexi: "There are plenty more. It is thanks to the cows with their milk for example that we are able to make such wonderful Swiss delights like our chocolate and cheese. Or what about the wild goat? It can climb the steepest cliffs as if it were walking over the street like you and me. And its huge horns are pretty impressive..."

Bernie: "That really isn't an easy decision, Lexi. But do you know what? Then, we are simply all Swiss national animals - each in its own special way!"