Which SWISS Kids hero are you? The big test

Inventive, clever, courageous - all of our heroes Bernie, Lexi and Uncle Max are that.
Which of the SWISS Kids heroes are you most like? Simply answer our questions and we will tell you. Have fun!

What do you enjoy doing most in your free time?

Please select an answer.

Where would you like to travel to one day?

Please select an answer.

Which subject do you enjoy most at school?

Please select an answer.

If you had a time machine, where would you travel to?

Please select an answer.

How would you describe yourself?

Please select an answer.

What do you want be later?

Please select an answer.

What is your favourite animal?

Please select an answer.

If you were an inventor, what would you invent?

Please select an answer.

{{showResult([{"Id":9,"TestId":4,"Order":1,"FromPoint":24,"ToPoint":40,"Title":"You are Uncle Max - always concerned about the well-being of others","InfoContent":"<p>Take your time! You are a laid-back contemporary, whom one can always rely on. You would do everything for your friends. You always find it extremely important that everyone gets along. In addition to your open nature, your friends particularly admire your creative streak: A bit of wood, a few building blocks, some glue - thanks to your inventiveness you can make something useful out of everything. But just beware that you don't get a raw deal yourself!</p>","InfoImage":1784},{"Id":10,"TestId":4,"Order":2,"FromPoint":41,"ToPoint":57,"Title":"You are Lexi - the clever helper in times of need","InfoContent":"<p>Well done, you are really on the ball! Just like Lexi, the clever girl bird, you devour books by the dozen and always want to know everything exactly. So, when your friends get stuck, you always come up with a good idea - and your friends appreciate you highly for this. But watch out that you are not too brash. Make sure you give the others a chance to contribute too!</p>","InfoImage":1783},{"Id":11,"TestId":4,"Order":3,"FromPoint":58,"ToPoint":72,"Title":"You are Bernie - the courageous inventor","InfoContent":"<p>You have the heart of an adventurer: Like the curious St. Bernhard, Bernie, you like discovering the world around you. You always enjoy being out and about the most, ideally with your friends. Whether you are at home or far away on holiday: You will never be bored! But make sure you take time out now and again to tank new energy for your next experiences.</p>","InfoImage":1782}]).Title}}